Chaman by Shriram Jahagirdar / Daddy

Dear Chaman,

When I rescued you last year from a tree where you were crying for some one who will come & take you with him. It was me whose eyes were wet when I saw you in trouble on that tree that night. I climbed that tree & brought you home. Within a couple of days you became very familiar with my daughter, y wife & my mother. You grew very fast & started looking like an strongly built adult within three months. I loved from bottom of my heart & I considered always that you are my son.

I was not knowing that you were completing your journey on the earth very fast. One day you had a fight with a senior cat & was injured in the bargain, but recovered fully through the treatment given my Chandrashekhar Uncle, but during recovery you suddenly collapsed & died all of a sudden leaving all of us in deep grief. Anyway I consider that you must have performed a lot of good things during your last birth that you got the Cat’s birth only for 10 months & I got the opportunity to serve you during your visit to this beautiful planet Earth.

May your soul always remain in peace.




Allow me to be your real Daddy in your next Birth,
21, May 2003
Shriram Jahagirdar