Chanel by Tom, Jane, Scott, and Amy Shafer / Your sister, Amy

Chanel you are the best friend we could have ever asked for. We will never forget you opening your presents on Christmas morning, or hiding under the tree. I never minded when you ate my lipsticks, it was funny to see your different colored smiles and fur when the lipstick would stain all around your mouth.

It was always fun to give you a bath and play beauty shop with you because you loved it, or when you would sit by the mirror with me while I was getting ready for school or work and I would add a little blush to your cheeks and put some flavored chapstick on your little lips.

We loved your little bunny hops through the backyard and the way you would run in circles on the deck or race around the kitchen table like a Tasmanian devil. Going for soft serve vanilla ice cream cones on your birthday was always my favorite, and seeing your little teeth marks in the ice cream was so cute. Watching the wind blow on your face as you let it rest on the car window as we would drive always made us smile.

I will never forget the day I took you to class with me in college and I sat you at the empty desk beside me on your blanket and my teacher handed you your own set of papers, and when class was over, you walked in the middle of the group of my classmates down the hallway like you were one of us college kids. How about all the games we would play with our brother Scott and your big basket of toys like your gingerbread boy, puppy friend, and all the squeaky basketballs that you would tease us with.

You were always picky about which ball you would play with and when you would tear through one we would have to search many stores to find just the right replacement. I would give anything to feel one of your slimy wet rawhide cigars stick to my hand right now.

It broke my heart when I moved away to Los Angeles five years ago, I hope you know how much I missed you and that that was a very tough decision for me to leave you, Mom, Dad, and Scotty. When you drove out to Phoenix with Mom and Dad after George and I moved into our new home made me so happy, my dream was always for you to meet my kitties and you did.

Going on vacation with you was the best, we went to Sedona and had lunch at a cafe, went for coffee, and saw all the pretty mountains together. We swam in the pool, even though you accidentally fell in, but we always used to lounge on our rafts when we were kids and you remembered how to swim after all those years. Now we are back home, living in our new home in Chicago and I know you know where to find me, I loved it when mommy and daddy would bring you along to visit even though you weren’t familiar with the new surroundings. I only got to spend a little over a month back here with you, but I am thankful for that time even though I wish it could have been a lot, lot longer.

There are so many memories we have with you and we will never forget any of them, we love and miss you terribly Baby Chanel! I hope you have met Pookie and Tiffany and are sitting on the couch with our Gramma and eating all the cheese popcorn and vanilla ice cream you want.

Please visit us in our dreams and
watch over us.


Love you forever and ever and ever......
Tom, Jane, Scott, and Amy Shafer