Charlie (girl) by Shirley Grundhoefer / “Mother”

Charlie was a very special little kitten given to me by a close co-worker -she wanted her to have a good home.She was mostly Persian-long haired and charcoal grey-just a little fluff ball. She was only 3 months old when I picked her up and it was love at first sight. She had personality plus, so affectionate and sweet. She loved to play outdoors with my watchful eye so no harm would come to her and play she did. She had a cat-bird seat in the living room and a special basket to sleep in, but sometimes chose to sleep with me. I was so blessed to have had her for 18 years. The last five years, her kidneys have been failing and her heart was also affected by her poor kidney function. On November 13th, I took her to the vet for some fluids to help her kidneys, but her little or I should say BIG heart couldn’t take the pressure anymore and I lost her. She died in my arms at home and I miss her so much.

She was so much company to me and at times I think I can still hear her little paws on the carpet. I know she is in heaven or at the Rainbow Bridge waiting for me. I know she is full of happiness and running and playing-she loved to play even when I know she didn’t feel well. She was the light in my life and now she is with the angels or I should say is one of the angels. Please remember her in your prayers and light service.


"With Much Love"
Charlie (girl)
Shirley Grundhoefer