Chelsea by Jeanette Abbott / Mommy

Chelsea was with me for 12 years. She was always there for me. After my husband died, she was there. When I moved to live with my daugher and her family, she was there. Sometimes everyone would be too busy to notice if I was home — Chelsea always knew and was glad to see me.

When I went from room to room, she went with me and patiently sat and waited for me. Sometimes she would sleep on my bed; if not, she would lie beside the bed. As she got older, she slept so soundly that I would go to her to be sure that sue was Ok. But then one day, she was not Ok. She had died while I was out of the house. I held her and cried for hours. Now she is buried in the flower bed outside my bedroom window.

I miss her so much, I hate to even go home. How long will this hurt last?? I know the love will last forever.
Goodby Chelsea.
Know that you were greatly loved!


I will always love you.
2, Nov 2004
Jeanette Abbott