Cherokee by Linda Coleman / LOVE: MOMMY & DADDY

I still remember just like it was yesterday we brought home this adorable little golden puppy. We named him Cherokee, he was a golden retriever. I knew the minute we had found our new puppy, or should I say he found me! As we walked up the the puppies this one special little guy ran up to me and I picked him up and he started to kiss me and I knew then that he had stolen my heart and he was my baby boy! It was a new beginning for my husband and I. It was our second marriage and we had been married for a month and out two youngest children were home with us still. My daughter of 18 and my husbands son of 18 and we wanted a pet for us all and we chose a golden.

Cherokee has been with us for 9 years and though 11 grandchildren from our start. We have 5 children between the 2 of us. We also have 2 other dogs. A cocker spaniel named Cheyenne, who is 8 years old and a little spit fire Beagle named Katie, who is 4 years old. Katie and Cherokee had a special bond and my poor little dear is still looking for Cherokee. She as all of us miss him so dearly.

He was a gentleman, best friend, loving and a very caring dog. There will never be another to replace him, he was one of a kind.
He had cancer and at last he lost his fight on August 9,2008. My heart is broke and the tears have not stopped. I know he is at peace now and in a better place and someday we will be reunited. We all loved him so very much and I still look for him to prance up to me and give me a big wet kiss. He was so graceful when he ran across the yard, with his head held high and his tail wagging. He loved to run. He has been layed to rest at a beautiful memorial park with other dogs, so he is not alone. I could go on and on forever for all of the wonderful things he did for us. He was our family, our big boy. May he rest in peace and know that we will love him forever and miss him as long.

My dearest Cherokee, you were the greatest and we loved you so very much and you will be in our hearts always. Love Mommy and Daddy XOXOXOXOXO


Linda Coleman