Chloe by Erin Pastore & Ryan Thomas / Your Mommy, Erin and Daddy, Ryan

Chloe was a special kitten. We knew that from the moment we saw her. She was so adorable and we decided to take her home. She had poor coordination and licked everything but the vet said that it was probably some kind of brain damage. We didn’t mind it, it just made her more special. After about 3 weeks, she improved and was walking better and being more active. It was great. Then things took a turn for the worst. She started having seizures and not being able to control her bowel movements. We took her to the vet and they diagnosed with FIP after doing bloodwork. It was very sad to put her to sleep but we will remember her forever and she will always be in our hearts.

We love you always Chloe and
we wish that you were still with us.


With love always and forever,
Erin Pastore & Ryan Thomas