Christmas by Amy / Mommy

All my life I wanted a dog that’s all I wished for. The one Christmas eve my mom took me to paws and we got this big puppy and we went through alot of names and I guess Christmas stuck. Everyday I fed her; played with her. She thought of me as another dog and I loved her and protected her with my life and she did the same for me, but you see she was a guard dog because she was abused when she was a puppy so she didn’t want the same to happen to us and I thought it would stay like that but in 2005 my life literally went to hell.

We moved back and forth and we ended up moving to where we are now. It’s an all cat place so I couldn’t take Christmas. We tried to find her a home, but she would be really nice to the family when we were there and when we stepped out the door to see what would happen they would call us in because she snapped at them so we took her to Paws. I kissed her and watched them dragged her away. I will never forget that look of sadness and betrayal. I told them I will help them bring her in, but they just pushed me away. I left. I still cry to this day because I feel like I broke my promise, but I know I will see her once again.


Love you forever and always,