Cleo by Tammie



1988 ----- May 22 1996


"Cleo": A One in a Million Companion


She came to us scared and hurt

her hair was grimey and covered with dirt


Left by her owner tied up in the yard

Her first years of life were really hard.


She had a smile that would melt your heart

And was ready to give her love from the start.


This noble animal with heart so sweet

I cherish the nights she laid at my feet.


The illness came and laid her down

but never did she show a frown.


T'was love that laid her head to rest,

and stilled the heart in her noble breast.


For all her loyalty passion and love,

Our finest gift was heaven above.


Our house will be a lonelier place,

Without her beautiful brown-eyed face.


But within our hearts she will always dwell,

and be remembered as Cleo who loved so well.


She's in a better place I know,

Far from lifes strife and woe.


The tears I shed on this fateful day

Is the only way my heart can say

I love you girl you're one of the best,

God bless you in your heavenly rest.







