Coco by Bryan & Elaine Jensen / Mom & Pop-Pop


Coco, we ask you to let us know,
when it was time for you to go.
It was hard to say goodbye
as tears filled our eyes.
We watched you go to sleep and
slip into your angels wings.
We know you are at heavens gate waiting
to get in with a wink and a grin.
Our house is quiet now,
with no click clack on the floor or bones
hidden by the door.
I look for you to appear
on your pillow on the floor or
sitting next to me by the refrigerator door.
Waiting for your piece of cheese
or some “O’s” please?

We miss you already and our hearts are heavy, but we know your pain is gone
and your walk now is steady.
Your eyes are bright,
your tail is a wagging,
as you sit next to Pap and tug on his pants… we can hear the growl and the laughter we all knew, as we wait our turn to join you two.

Soon we will be together as you wait
for us at the gate,
Remember the Love we shared and
the times we all sleep in late.
It seemed just yesterday little guy…
You were trucking along,
watching the country go by.
Taking your turn in the co-pilot’s seat, watching for full growed bears and
a good place to eat.
‘Till the shift was done and time to rest,
you crawled in the bunk
for a good nights rest.

We don’t say “Good Bye”
for this is not the end of the story,
so we say,
Until we meet again…
In all of Heavens Glory!

We Love You Coco,
Mom and Pop-Pop


Always in our hearts...
21, Feb 2008
Bryan & Elaine Jensen