COCO by Diana / Mom, Dad, Eva, Dom, Billy and Athena

I know for sure, I will remember that rainy day till I will be present in this world myself. Day started like usually- Saturday, all of us at home, taking it easy. Then my husband and I decided to go shopping for the things we had to buy for the baby’s christening, which was on Sunday.A nd now, when I look back, I remember it was a few signs that morning, which I wouldn’t pay too much attention anyway. Usually I would never offer to my husband to take dog for a ride when we go shopping, but then it crossed my mind somehow, I just had that strange feeling inside.
Anyway, we left. We had all things we needed and on our way home, when painful news hit. We had our 13 yrs. old daughter screaming on the phone, that her beloved, dearest COCO was hit..She carried her best friend into a house, with broken back as dog was in pain, dying. She had a few short minutes to say to her friend how much she loves her and she was the last image COCO took with her…

It was unbearably painful to burry our furry friend under the same tree in our back yard she used to chase all birds and squirrels of it…It is just unbearable not to have her around anymore. Each of us has very own, beautiful memories of our pet, and it is just amazing how deep connection can be between human and an animal…

One lesson our children, all four of them, learn in different, but very painful way – how life can be fragile and how precious it is.


Rest in peace our dear COCO,