Cody by Karen & Joe Begovich / Karen & Joe

Cody came into our lives and brought his friendly personality and changed our lives for the best. Cody loved to eat and was a very big kitten. He grew into a 20 pound cat. Cody enjoyed the other cats and made friends fast with anyone that he happened to meet in his 10 years. Cody lived his life to the fullest and was the best cat. He was a perfect little cat friend to have and to love. I don’t think we will ever see another Cody in our lifetime and I miss him very much. Cody died in December, of Malignent Cancer that killed him very quickly. We put him to “sleep” to end his suffering. Even at the end, he was the very best cat ever. We love you Cody. You were a good boy.


We love you and miss you so much.
26, Dec 2008
Karen & Joe Begovich