Cotton Felix Dawes by Mrs Jackie Dawes / Love,

Mummy And Daddy And Kids XXXX

He is fluffy and white
And can put up a good fight.
He moves with graciousness
And is completley full of goodness.
I love to watch him with his ball
How he can stand but never fall.
he loves to chase string or wool
And he never loses his cool.
He can move very quietly in the house
Even quieter I think then a mouse.
He is very loving,caring and giving
And always makes my life worth living.
He always knows when im sad
But always makes me feel glad.
Somtimes he can be a pest
But to me hell always be the best.
He is quiet and small,but very bold
And I hope he can live to be very old.
I hope hell always be my friend
Right up to the very end.


I wrote this when you were a baby.
Youll never ever be forgotten as long as we live,
my darl
Cotton Felix Dawes
22, Mar 2004
Mrs Jackie Dawes