In April of 1989 my husband bought me a beautiful Bay Mare named Cricket.
She was nine years old and had been abused but with care she proved to
have a wonderful character and disposition. We had many adventures those
first few years. I learned never to tie her up solidly and she learned I could
be trusted not to hurt her.
The first time I rode her she dumped me. It was an accident and the
look on her face when she noticed I wasn’t on her back anymore was just
priceless!! It was almost as if she was saying “Hey what are you doing
on the ground?” She never kicked or bit and showed great willingness to
do whatever I asked of her…including dress her up as a giraffe one
halloween. Believe me that takes trust. She won the apple bobbing
contest that year at our stable as well.
She was unshakable on trail as well and never shied at passing cars or
motorcycles and always brought me safely home.
In her 18th year she started having joint and teeth troubles and two days
ago suddenly and with little warning I lost her to toxic shock caused
by a bad case of sand colic.
Her lost has been a very hard blow as I had never imagined losing her so
soon. I loved her very much and I hope she is running joyfully in heaven with
the herd of horses there. She always loved to run..I will miss her for always.
She was my first horse and I will never forget her sweet nature and the
quiet gentle love she showed us. I love you Cricket always!
Dancer (our gelding) sends his love…he misses you so much.
Shawna Kristopher and Dancer Sandbom
Cricket |