God may have been put you on Earth as a Cat but I know you were so much more. You made that clear from the day you entered my life. You let me know that you were a were not a Cat that you were Queen. Your destiny was to rule my home and my heart. I always knew what you were thinking and what you expected from me. You were were amazing so intelligent and definitely the master. I suddenly found myself owned by a cat. You did steal my heart. You took it with you 16 years later to heaven’s garden till we meet again. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
You were and always will be an angel of unconditional love. How blessed I was and how greatful I am that when God made you he thought of me.
I think of you everyday and always will. Part of that beautiful fiesty personality plus spirits of yours lives in my heart.
Memories are priceless and precious. I see you romping in heaven’s garden taking charge with that feisty spirit of yours. I am comforted by the fact that you never have to suffer again.
My prayer is that we will be together again someday. I know we will. God brought us together for a reason.
I could never possibly say “Thank You” enough for all that you gave to me for the impact that you made in my life.
Just remember my guardian angel
that every petal on your daisy says
“She loves me”.
And I do – “for Eternity”.
Daisy |
13, April 1996 |
Terry |