Darla by Susan Monroe / ‘Love you! -Aunt Emma

Last Night I saw You Lying There

Last night I saw you lying there,
Your heart right next to mine.
You twitched an eye, and looked at me,
but yet just exhaled with a whine.

I tried to yelp, and tried to move,
But something held me there.
I watched you sleep in silence,
studied your eyes and hair.

It was then I woke up,
expecting you, but my eyes only captured the bed.
The place you were so fond of,
Now only cradled my head.

I recalled the dream I’d had,
and missed you even more.
I lay there in great silence,
recalling our moments before.

“Can you even remember me?” I thought,
Over and over in my mind again,
I remembered the mischief we’d taught,
of all the places we’d been.

I thought of you fondly,
In my shaken mind.
I replayed our friendship,
of how I tried to be kind.

The time we reached above the gate,
Or when we concurred the bone.
I love the time we outran the kids,
but now I run alone.

That dusky night, on our pond, just you and me,
I remember it now, as vivid as before,
when I turned around to sniff a tree,
And didn’t see you anymore.

I barked and screamed so loud,
as loud as my heart was too,
but then my eyes saw it,
the trail leading to you.

Your pawprints went around me,
And then after some mice.
They lead on through the snow,
but then right through the ice.

The water swelled above you,
As if it were mocking me,
I hadn’t thought I’d lost you,
Until the woman sank to one knee.

Quietly we mourned,
Trust it was not only me.
We pouted but were scorned,
“Remember the good” it was said to be.

And so I lie here,
Crippled like nothing else before,
Waiting to feel you sniff my ear,
or see you by our food dish wanting more.

I miss you, I do,
But I try to be strong.
You left me too soon,
We hadn’t been family for long.

And so I lie here,
wanting you back.
I just wanted to peer,
into those doe eyes of black.

I fell asleep again,
dreaming you were there,
but like it were to un-mend,
you just sat with a stare.

I watched you, and you watched me,
It was too long to wait,
For me to be with you again,and play again,you see.
I sat there for too long, I thought it was too late.

Until you said what I’ll remember, “Don’t miss me Spanks, I’ll stay with you.
“I’ve started life anew.”

I didn’t understand,
But swore never to forget,
what you’d said to me, I thought,
Was an example for me to set.

I’ll miss you Darla, and now know what you meant.
I now understand the message you had sent.

Last night I saw you lying there,
You looked at me as if to say,
not to be sorry, or to scare,
but know that with me, you’ll stay.


This was from her best pal, Spankie,
25, Mar 2004
Susan Monroe