Dee Dee


"Dee Dee"

January 11 1987 ----- August 21 1999

Yorkshire Terrier


A special little girl

Who is dear in our hearts.

You came to us in 1987

A little bundle of joy

You loved to be with us

To sit on our laps

You wanted to be cuddled

You brought us love.


Today August 21 1999

You left us.

We grieve from our loss.

We held you as you passed.

From illness that was fatal.


Our tears are endless

As we feel your presence

Yet know you are not here.

Our grief is great.

Yet we know that God has taken you into his arms

To cuddle you

To love you

To hold you in his lap.


We await you on the other side.

Our joy will be boundless

When once again we hold you in our arms.














Dee Dee