Dennis by Angela, Simon & Jaime Ireland / All our love Mummy, Daddy & Jaime XXXX

One day we found ourselves adopted by a beautiful white, deaf flea infested stray kitten we named Dennis. That little kitten grew into a beautiful white cat with the most gorgeous blue eyes and a great big personality. He was our love, our best friend and our alarm clock as he woke us at 4am on the dot every morning.
Dennis had a good life, he lived his life as he wanted and he lived ours too as he wanted!! Sadly Dennis became ill and on the 8th April 2008, in his Mummy’s arms, he left us to go to rainbow bridge.

Dennis took big pieces of our hearts with him but has left us with big pieces of his heart and many happy memories
which we will hold onto forever.


Sleep tight sweetheart Love and miss you so much ,
Angela, Simon & Jaime Ireland