Dexter by Donna and Daniel Noonan / Mom and Dad

Dexter’s Last Ride

Where do I start..what do I I sit here with a broken heart that hurts so bad..I would like to tell you about the last day with my boy Dexter..We knew the time to set him free had come long before we did..but he just kept looking at us as if he was saying..”just a little longer Mom and Dad..I will let you know when”.. and he did..

On July 3, 2007, he was trying to get out the doggy door and just couldn’t..he looked up at us and by the look in his eyes we knew.. he was telling us it was time..and to please help him to the wonderful Rainbow Bridge where he would be young and free again..where time goes by so quickly and all the furkids know that one day soon they would be with their family again for eternity..

That day I put Dexter’s favorite blanket in the back of the car and we gently helped him in to lay down on it..Dexter could barely walk as his back legs were worn out..but as I drove the final drive to the vets I could hear him moving around..I looked in the rear view mirror and there he was..sitting up with his head peeking through the seats and his tail waging a mile a minute..he had a gleam in his eyes and the most adorable smile as he adoringly looked at me..

I think he knew he was going home to see his other angel pals that lived with us Sunny Bologna, Shelby, Daisy, Dumbo and lots of others.. He would have thousands of tennis balls to chase, big clear blue lakes to swim in and be young and healthy running through the meadows of the Rainbow Bridge..

Our wonderful vet came out to the car and my tears fell gently on Dexter’s soft coat of fur..he was looking at me with his eyes telling me thank you and how much he loved me..Oh Gosh why does this hurt so bad? I held him in my arms as the vet helped him out of his painful body and I could feel his spirit float off to the peaceful for him but so hard for me to say goodbye..

I remember the day he was born..on my kitchen floor..I think I knew at that minute that he would be mine for as long as God would allow..which was many wonderful years..he was my companion and my shadow and I loved him so..

I know each day my heart will heal a tiny bit..and I know I must remember all the joy he brought us and that one day we will share that joy for eternity..

We love you Sweet Dexter..Mom and Dad…


We will always love you, Dexter.
3, July 2007
Donna and Daniel Noonan