Eclipse by Tom & Kathryn / Tom & Kat

Eclipse Of Life

Soft paws padding on our bed
Marching feet and kneading toes
The Grand Dame makes a Grand entrance
Jumping, sliding, falling and bounce back up
Never let ‘em see you sweat
Glowing yellow eyes fixed
Follow me to my spot on the kitchen counter
Oh Clip how we miss you so
Consistent Clip we let you down
If only we could have been there to help
You know we’d have run to your side
Dad would have held you you wouldn’t have been alone
Maybe we could have healed you
Not lost all those years in one day
Clippy our hearts are so sad, I find it hard
To even mention your name to Dad
You were so close to home Clipse how could you have died
I can’t accept it I feel you here as I write
Today Slammy came through the door
In one painful moment I thought it was you

Hoping on hope it would not be your small body unearthed
Your paws deceived me on sight
There’s no extra toe
It’s not her
Relief, and then a scare – wait no
Her back feet is it?
So I pulled and there they were
Your sweet front paws and huge extra toes
I didn’t believe it not even then
I put you in a towel
Came home to tell Dad
But there are no words to say
It’s not that we weren’t glad for what we shared
But while digging a hole how could we not cry
We knew what it meant, we knew what we’d lost

Still stunned and not wanting to believe
I checked in the box a few more times
Am I sure it is her, are those really her toes?
But, my eyes could not change what lay in there
My friend, my love, my little Eclipse
I took the last chance I had
I petted your foot and caressed your big toe
I love you I said, and I let your body go

Eclipse: Reprise

Almost four years isn’t enough
If I could redo every moment
I’d sit a little longer and stroke your soft fur
I’d thank you more often for your love and your kids
I’d tell you I love you everyday
And when the night came you were to leave us for good
I’d lock the cat door and clutch you close to my side
I’d fall asleep with your purr on my thigh.


Eclipse we miss you so,
Oct 2002
Tom & Kathryn