Elvis by The Allbritton Family / Nicole, Kree, Dad & Mom

Coming home from Christmas shopping, it was a very very cold night as our headlights spotted two dogs that had been abandoned we stopped and brought them to our home, they were about three weeks old, we kept the male which we named “Elvis” and
we found a home for his sister.

Such joy and happiness that he brought to us, since being so young we knew we would be able to have him in our family for years to come but sadly the story did not end that way. Right away after finding the puppies in just freezing conditions we took him to the Vet. He was given all his shots, dewormed and he was full of life.
We started noticing that he was not himself and became weak, we took him back to his Vet. Only to find out that he had cancer and his entire body had this; we tried everything possible to see what could be done but the cancer completely covered his body.

Our hearts were selfish and we did not want to give him up, but he only got worse so as hard as it was we did love him enough not sit back and watch him in so much pain and had him put to sleep. He was so special to us. But, we know he is in a better place just waiting for us to come and join him and now his body is fine and at times I know he is running and playing and not being so sick. We miss him so, but we will all be together with him someday and we know he will recognize us.


Our Love Always Elvis,
The Allbritton Family