Ember by Veterinary Rescuers / We will always remember you…..

In Loving Memory
of Ember
Carried Home by the Angels
to Rainbow Bridge and
Delivered into the Eternal Safekeeping
of Everlasting Arms
August 6, 2005

“Ember” was a nickname given to this little 10 month-old pitbull puppy by her rescuers at Pets Unlimited Veterinary Hospital in San Francsisco
because no one came forward to claim her. Sometime after 5 pm on July 24th, Ember was set ablaze and somehow just barely managed to survive this profound cruelty by running away from her tormenters and rolling around in a hidden grassy area. She lingered for 11 days as her caretakers
tenderly and lovingly tried to ease her extraordinary pain. Sadly her injuries were too great and all hope for her recovery was lost. She was mercifully put to rest on August 6, 2005. Her owner has since come forward
and is devastated.

She is sadly missed by many of us at the Dogster website who kept an 11-day prayer vigil in her behalf. May those who committed this great injustice against you spend an eternity begging for mercy from the merciless.



6, Aug 2005
Veterinary Rescuers