Flash by Roxy / Mama

I was photographing a wedding on Sweetest Day, October 20, 1990. I was upset that the studio sent me to such a bad area (East Chicago, IN). I saw this puppy sitting on the church steps during the 2 hour (bi-lingual) ceremony. The sun was setting and it was getting cold. Mid way through the mass, I decided if he was still there, I would take him. I kept watching to see if anyone would claim him, but no one did. The ceremony ended and I scooped him up and put him in the back of my SUV.

After finishing the church pictures, I went back to the truck, but could not find him. As I kept searching, he poked his head out from behind the gas peddle. I gave him water and took him to McDonalds since I had to hurry to the reception. He slept in the truck during the reception and on the way home. My hand covered him like a blanket. I stopped by a friend to show him this little guy who rescued me. As my friend approached the truck, he stood on the console, barked, wet, and backed into me all at the same time. From that moment forward, he was mama’s baby.
We named him Flash.

He brought so much joy to my life for almost 15 years, and I treasured every moment. At the emergency clinic while he was on oxygen and i.v.’s, I held him and talked to him until the very end.
Flash was my whole world.


I miss you so much, baby,