floss by fern / Mummy xx

Floss was born on a farm. I got her for my 9th birthday; I was happy and couldn’t wait to take her home to show everyone. After a year of playing and enjoying I was never sad, then I went to my friend’s party and you had come back from the vets I said to my mum ” Is she back? Is she ok?.” My mum said yeah and yes I will tell you more when we get home. When we arrived in the yard I goes please can you tell me she said if you’re ready she said “Fern Floss came back today, but they said she either had a very large tumor. We will find out later!” I screamed. Please no I cried all night. But I went to school the next day upset though think what will I do if I lose her? How will I cope?

Then we found out you actually had a cancer. I broke down; they said you had 2-4 weeks. You lasted 6 months, but then you go ill and again they said you only had 2-4 weeks left; this time no longer. I went home saying I will make the most of the time together and then 3 days later you passed away; my life over bye bye baby miss you in my heart forever. Love you. xxxxxxx


Miss you love from,