Frank by Susan / Nicole

Frank was born the same year I was and I was always afraid of him! Then when he started to be around me more I guess my opinion
about him changed!

Everyday when I came home from school I would rush to my grandparents house and go see Frank. I woul walk up in down my street with him. I mean everyday I could just look forward
to seeing Frank everyday.

The last Day I saw him I realy didn’t see him for at least 5 minutes! It was just a little quick Hi-Good Bye type of thing.

When I found out he was sick I was so mad that my mother would not let me go see him when he was at his home getting closer and closer to going to heaven. And when it did happen itg was like half of me was gone. Now what was I going to do after I did all my homework and stuging? Frank I just want you to Know that I loved you and I still do!


Still Loving You,