Frisky by Freddy, Gina, and Jessica / Your Family

This is a tribute dedicated to our oldest family cat named Frisky.

Frisky has been part of our family for 14
and a half years and had a adventurous life.

He was given to us by grandpa as a gift
and he enjoyed eating and being outdoors.

We would spend hours walking him
outside on his leash.

Frisky had a strong personality
and walked around very proudly.

Our two youngest cats would follow him
around and learn his tricks.

He moved across the country with us and helped bridge our new lives by comforting us through those hard times.

We are going to miss him running to the kitchen in search of food when the fridge opens, waiting for us in the window to come home, and greeting us at the door when we get there.

Frisky died of chronic renal insufficiency at home on December 29, 2008 at the age of 14 and a half years.

We spent as much time as possible with him and held him and comforted him through his last hours.

We love him very much and
he will be greatly missed.


Love Always and Forever,
Freddy, Gina, and Jessica