I had George less than 12 hours. This morning I went to check on the chickens since we have a lot of hens setting on eggs. I heard a faint chirping and I found George in the corner, far away from any nest. It looked as though his egg sac hadn’t thoroughly been absorbed and he was very cold. I picked him up and rushed him into the house.
I cleaned off the egg sac and held him under a light to warm him. After awhile he started to move and I thought he had a real chance to make it. He was still cold so I wrapped him in a washcloth and held him close to me. He warmed up and started to move. I really thought he would make it, and I named him George.
I had to go out for awhile so I put him in a small box, under a light, and he did well. I helped him get a drink. He was still very weak, but he was trying so very hard to live. I was totally in love with him by now.
I held him some more and called his name. He’d perk up and move; he opened his eyes. His baby fuzz was red-yellow and so soft. He was beautiful.
After awhile he seemed better so I put him with the other chicks. They snuggled up to him. About an hour later I came to check on him and he was dead. He’d drowned in the waterer.
He’s buried out from under a beautiful bush. Tomorrow I’ll plant some wildflowers for him.
I tried so hard, but I feel as though I let him down, and didn’t take good care of him. He tried so very hard, but he was too weak to pull himself up after getting a drink.
I never thought I could love a chicken, but there was something so special about this little chick. In less than 10 hours I fell in love with him, lost him, and now I’m grieving for him. I wanted him to grow up and have a chance at a good life. He had a home here no matter what.
Goodbye George. Thanks for showing me what being a fighter is all about. I’ll miss you.
Goodbye Sweet Little Bird,
George |
15, May 2014 |
Liz Cornish |