Ginger by Jerry and Connie / Mommy

Upon this day I reminisce
with sadness and regret…
The loss of my beloved special
“child” who was my pet.

It’s been a year of longing,
wishing you’d return to me…
For though you left one year ago
I cannot “set you free”.

Though time has made it easier
to go from day to day…
No one can understand the “special” role
your life did play.

For every day you were a part
of love and joy and life…
You had a way that focused me and
lessened daily strife.

I’d hurry home to see your face
waiting behind the kitchen bays…
Where wiggles, hugs and cuddles
brightened up the worst of days.

And now I sit, with eyes tear filled,
you are not by my side…
And when I open the door,
it is bare and bleak inside.

Emotions, they are raw today,
I’m simply torn apart…
For hollow, wrenching feelings tear
apart this very heart.

An emptiness, that’s deeper than the ocean,
fills my soul…
A painful hunger bites
my inner self beyond control.

For though time healed the daily wounds
I wore upon my sleeve…
I shelter from the world outside
just what you meant to me.

To me, you were more human
than some others I have known..
You gave such love and tenderness;
t’was deep within your soul.

Now summer is here and little things
we loved, now cause me harm…
The walks we’d take around
the block no longer hold their charm.

I see you as I turn each step;
I watch for you each day…
Oh little one,
I miss you much more than words can say.


With Love,
8, Aug 2005
Jerry and Connie