Ginger by Mike & Debbie

We miss your pretty face with those soft brown eyes which made us love you so. You were always so sweet.

We miss watching you run with Marlo our other dog. She too misses you.

We miss hearing you bark as you were running rabbits with your perky little tail wagging back and forth as you were sniffing the ground.

We miss watching you put your dog biscuits in your mouth and looking around deciding where to bury them.

We miss watching you lay in the flowerbeds and in the yard and in the back of the house and outside of your house.

There is an emptiness without you Ginger but we know you do not miss the pain you have endured.

And although we miss you we know you are now with the angels in heaven and you will always live in our hearts.

We love you always

Mike Debbie and Marlo


26, February 2001
Mike & Debbie