Gizzy by Jeff

Our precious little Gizzy boy
You’ll never know what you gave.
You provided us all with joy
And the happiness we crave.

Seeing you run and play
and seeing your smiling face
Laughing at your funny ways
Your style and your grace.

The times we shared were just too few.
I often ask myself why
I could not be worthy of a dog like you.
It often makes me cry.

In my eyes you could do no wrong.
You were a perfect ten.
My little pekingese angel
I long to see you again.

I think about you night and day.
Whether I’m happy or I’m sad
I look at were you used to lay
and all the fun we had.

I know that you’re in a better place
and I wish I could be there
To touch your beautiful little face
To brush your beautiful hair.

We never realize what we have
Until it’s gone forever.
You’ll always be our little boy.
Your memory we’ll always treasure.



4, Jan 2001