Glenda Echo by Maggie Lindsey / Momma Maggie

My Mother, Echo and myself started off in a station wagon. Echo had the whole rear of the wagon as I had layed down the rear seat to make her more comfortable. Echo is a large breed and if my mom and I were cramped so be it. We had missed our exit for the motel that accepted pets and I was not going to drive back 70 miles, decided to drive and see if another motel would accept pets. Dark was falling as we saw a sign that read “VACANCY”. My mom decided to tell the desk clerk that Echo
was my seeing eye dog.

Problem with that was if the desk clerk had looked out the window would have seen me behind the wheel as my mother does not, nor has she ever, driven a car. Upon leaving the motel in the early a.m. saw the desk clerk with a strange look on his face as he saw me behind the wheel of the vehicle and Echo sitting straight up in the back of the seat, her face close to mine, as if giving directions as to how to get back
on the main road.

That was our last driving trip. Truth is my vision was failing and I knew this was last trip for me to be driving, just didn’t know would be Echo’s last trip for pleasure, and oh how she loved
to ride and navigate.


Great Memory of my Girl,
Glenda Echo
Maggie Lindsey