
May 14 1991 —- Feb. 16 2000

German Shepherd

When we first got Gracie the vet said that he could tell she was

a gentle dog by the look in her eyes. If I could describe her in a

word it would be “aloof”.

She was a solid black German Shepherd and beautiful.

She did what she wanted when she wanted and flunked obedience

school at a very young age.

All the other little doggies on their leashes behaving, and there was

Gracie hopping from one place to another not listening to a word I

said or so I thought. As it turns out she listened to every word I said.

I was a single empty-nester for many years and Gracie was there

always listening to me even when I wasn’t talking to her.

Being lonely was hell and she knew it.

She would hunker down beside me when I was at my most

lonely period. When she and I had a house fire and lost everything

we still had each other. She saw me through a divorce some financial

stuff, the loss of several family members a fire loss of a job.

She knew me and I knew her. When I married Mark she took

him right into her heart no questions asked.

She loved him immensely and he loved her.She loved to play.

I always said that she would die with a ball in her mouth but she didn’t.

We dropped her off at the doggie hotel while we were out of town.

I had never had her spayed because I had considered breeding her.

I thought it would be a good time to get her fixed since she had begin

to have some female problems.

She didn’t make it. She hemmoraged through the night.

She didn’t like being boarded at all. I just hope she didn’t think we had

abandoned her. I will never forget what she has given me throughout

the 9 years we had her. I can’t place a price tag on it and it was all for just

a little food and water and lots of love.

She was my friend she was my companion she was my soul mate.

I miss her and especially I miss the look in her big brown eyes.

We were scheduled to pick her up today. (Feb. 18 2000)

Gloria and Mark

