Haley by Cara / Haley’s Story From Her Mommy Cara

I went through 1 of the worst experiences of my life Oct. 22nd 01. I have Haley’s story written in my profile& am willing to add my screen name here so all can view & read Haley’s story & the special Angel song that seemed to help Haley as she lay suffering in sever pain~ that not 1 vet or Neurologist could seem to find wrong with her~ until it was too late. The reason I would like anyone to read Haley’s story is to try to help anyone I can to not ever have to watch their furbaby ever go through anything like I watched my Haley suffer through. Haley paid with her life & I~ almost with my sanity. To read Haley’s story & listen to the special song that helped calm Haley on her worst days please go to my profile at CharmedVirgo1 click onto Haley’s story.



Haley~ Mommy thinks of you everyday~ our love is forever,