HEIDI by Kym Shutley / Mommy Kym

My Angel

Heidi was sent from God,
to live with our family.
She was an angel in a dogs body
under the Christmas tree.
It was 1985, and I was 12 years old.
Eighteen years later, it is time for her to go.
God needs his angel back,
to sit there by his side.
And wait for us to join her
someday when we die.
She will be able to see again,
and run and jump and play.
She can chase Joe Squirrel
and bark at ceiling fans all day.
She’ll be able to hear our voices again,
calling out her name;
“Sweet thang! Heidi! Angel!” we’ll say.
I know she will be waiting,
and be happy to see us again…
The day we walk through Heavens Gates
she’ll be waiting with a grin.


Kym Shutley