Honey by Tam & Family


You Look Like Honey–You Smelt Like Rain On A Gentle Summers Day– I Will Never Forget The Way You Smiled–The Way You Barked When You Wanted Something To Eat–The Way You Whined When Boo Was Playing With You–The Way You Left I Couldn’t Be There When You Died–And Now I Blame Myself For Your Death–Maybe,Just Maybe I’ll Forgive Myself — That Day When You Was Ripped Out Of My Life I Didn’t Forget To Say Something But I Did Forget One Thing–The Way You Barked When You Wanted To Get In From Outside–I Didn’t Forget To Say ” I Love You”,Or “GoodBye” …– Sometimes When I Got To Mom’s House I Forget That You’re Gone..–When I Go Outside At School I Always Look Back To My House Waiting For You To Peek Outside That Gate When You Was Outside–Or When I Walked To The Door And Knocked– I Heard Your Soft Bark– Like In A Hello– Or Something Dearer–And Now I Must Forget That You’re Gone..–

But I’ll Always Remember You…


Honey I’ll Always Miss You
And Long To See Your Face–


Tammy Buba Mom Sis
Nan Pop K & Boo


May Or June Sunday
Tam & Family