Hootie by Dawn Crosby / His Mommy

My little Hootie came into my life in June of 1996. He was just a little fella that was wandering on the road by a woods. I stopped & picked him up and then brought him home as I was on my way to run several errands. I put him in my cat carrier & he went on errands with me.

After running to the pet store & gathering baby supplies, I warmed up some baby animal milk & started his feedings. He was a hungry boy & soon was eating alot. After several weeks on the bottle he went to mush & then to solid food. He was such fun and yet a little trouble maker. He loved his big brother “Pumba” an overly loving Rottwieler and loved climbing all over him.

As Hootie grew up he was at times amusing & at times big trouble, but I always held him close & loved him so very much. A friend built a Condominium for him & he settled to life in the garage & my office. He would chatter at me when he was ready to go to bed & he would chatter when he wanted out. He would sit under my desk for scratches & treats until he was bored & then move on to annoy the dog. He would get into something & when told “NO” he would stop & look at me all while feeling with his little paw again.

I lost my little boy this fall. He couldn’t poop & after trying vet’s recomendations & taking him in several times & being told that everything was clear on the x-rays he failed to come out of the sedative the vet gave him. I blame myself for not taking him for a second or third opinion, not believing that he would not come out of the sedative & I still can’t believe he is gone.

I miss him terribly & some days are just too much to bear. I pray that he knows I loved him & will never ever forget him. He was the best raccoon that ever lived & I hope he is waiting for me to be with him again.


All my love to him,
Dawn Crosby