Hugo by fei^fei / Your Family

Hugo was given to me by one of my friend because my friend has no time to take care of him. When I brought him into my family, he was about 5 months old and was in a very weak condition. We gave him as much attention as we could and after a month, he manages to live as healthy as any other dogs. I nearly lost him when he tried to jump out from the truck used to send him to the vet for vaccination.
Luckily he just hurt himself.

At home, Hugo has lots of companion to play with when all of us gone to work. He has YinYin – a Labrador Retriever, Ice –
the Spitz and Money – a rabbit.

Money always makes him chase around at our little garden but left us on 15th February 2004 due to food poisoning. Every evening, Daddy, Mommy and I would bring all 3 of them for a walk and without failure, Hugo will lead the rest. He enjoys playing with YinYin at the field, chasing each other round and round and round until both of them get tired. Hugo’s favorite toy was football. If he manages to get a football, he will definitely bring it home and play with it for the whole day.

On 17th July 2004, while he was running around with YinYin as usual, he suddenly collapses. Within a few second, he stops breathing. We don’t know what happen to him and we just can’t believe he has gone.

Hugo – “You will always be our good boy and all of us would definitely miss you very much. Daddy, Mommy, Girl, Boy, YinYin and Ice shall never forget you as part of our family and hope you found Money at where you are now to accompany you without us by your side.”


Always Remembering You,