Jack by Joanne / Joanne

Jack my baby boy I never new that morning how sad that day would be I never thought you would
never come home again.

I miss you so much my life is so empty without you I have your urn with your ashes in by the fireplace I pick it up and cry and wish that I could stroke your lovely head again. I cry so much for you people say it gets easier as days go by I am still finding it hard without you.

Jack you helped me through some hard times you were always there for me to cheer me up it was as if you were saying don’t cry I am here and you always managed to cheer me up no matter how down I was. I took you everywhere with me we were inseparable we went on holidays together to Wales I will never forget that fence you jumped over in Wales we had been lifting you over all the others as you would not go through the gap you was supposed to but for some reason you just jumped it we were doubled up in laughter at you. I used to take you to my caravan you loved it down there it will never be the same without you in Stourport anymore. Now you are gone I miss you so much I will love you forever you will be in my heart always.

I have another dog now called Sam I know you would be happy that I had taken another dog in and gave him a lovely home like you had but he isn’t you. I will always love you and no one will take your place in my life.

I know where you are now you are free from pain I knew when I went to the vets before I had you put to rest that you had had enough your tail was wagging please to see me but I knew by the look in your eyes you’d had enough and was saying to me you are doing the right thing ending my pain and letting me be free to run and play with all the other dogs so until we meet again Jack I will say goodbye and
hope you are happy.


With Love from your brokenhearted owner,
24, Aug 2007