Jack by Zac Clark / Your Family

Jack was my family’s best friend. He meant alot to us. When I would come home from school he’d be sitting in the same spot…at the edge of the yard. I remember when we got Jack he was only 3 months old. We got him at a breeder. I remember the breeder yelling at my dad because he parked in her grass, but anyways Jack was very special in our family and he only lived to be 2 years.

I can’t stop thinking about him everyday. One day when I came home from school my mom picked me up from my bus stop and we got to the driveway of our house and we saw a van sitting in our driveway. We thought the guy was playing with Jack because his tail was wagging, but then the guy looked at us with a bad face. We stepped out of the car and asked the guy what happened. He said he had run over him. I picked him up as fast and carefully as i could and we drove to the vet. We told them he had been hit by a car. They tried there best for him but in the end he ended up dying in my arms in the car. I will never forget him, he meant alot to me and alot of other people to.


Zac Clark