Jackpot by Tony Hidalgo / Daddy

We miss him, and will never forget him. We got another retreiver named Buddy this past Christmas because our kids were so very heart broken. Jackpot lived to be 15 years old. He was a very high maintenance pet. (skin allergies) But he was like our child, he went everywhere with us. He was diagnosed with mouth cancer (very serious). We thought he had broken a tooth, however and it was suggested that we put him to sleep. Our Vet knew that if there was anyway to save him, we would do it, there was not alternative. We scheduled his “visit” for the next day because it was servere. Brought Jackpot home, washed him, fed him, and played with him, and we all slept near him that night. You would have never known there was something wrong. It was as if he knew though. The next day, Jackpot walked into the Vet’s office with no fight what so ever. He hated going there…. Jackpot was always there for us, and on that day I was there for him. As I laid next to him, he left us as “calmly” and he came to us. He knew it was time. I think he wanted me to know that too. I know that he is always with us. Although it still hurts, I know that someday we will all be togather again.


Love you
Tony Hidalgo