It broke our hearts to lose you,
but you did not go alone.
Part of our hearts went with you,
the day God called you home.
Physically you left us,
spiritually you will always remain.
For death is a heartache that no one can heal,
but memories are treasures that no one can steal.
Although your smile is gone forever,
and you black fur we cannot touch.
We will still hold the memories,
of the Rotty we love so much!!!!
God has you in his keeping,
we have you,Jake, in our hearts
We love you so much,
that time and sorrow can’t tear us apart.
Never forget us,
as we shall not forget you.
You were the greatest,
and we will ALWAYS think of you!
Love you always,
Jake Anthony |
20, Mar 2003 |
Terri & Paul Czajkowski |