Jessie by Chris & Angie / Mom & Dad / Angie & Chris

I remember the first time I saw this wonderful dog. He was clumsy looking with big ears and feet, and this little body. He was not the one I went to get that day, but he stole my heart in a moment.

He has been a member of the family for almost 18 years. He has had close calls throughout his life but always conquered the odds and came out on top. He has suffered with hip problems for many years but
did not let that get him down.

He has always had a way of cheering you up when feeling down or knowing when things just were not quite right with you.
He could read you like a book.

Unfortunately, the time has come when I have had to say goodbye. Not an easy thing to do to someone who has been such a part of our lifes.

His last night with us I spent the night sleeping on the couch with him. Thinking that this could be the last time I share this moment with him. He was unable to stand or move, but that was what I was for. It was the least I could do for him since he had given me so much. When arriving at the vet I did not know what would come.

The time came to take that step so he could enjoy health again and it was not easy. After making that choice it was almost like he was relieved. He scooted over to me and laid his head in my lap and just looked up at me, as if he was thankful and okay
with what was going to happen.

They say dogs are man’s best freind….well he was ours and will be sadly missed. To make matters worse after all this, we returned home to end up with another tragedy. One of our other babies, Daisy, died unexpectedly….within a few hours of Jessie. I guess the upside is they took this journey together. They both will be missed and thought of daily. Our home is lonely without Daisy and Jessie.


With Love Always &Tears Daily,
Chris & Angie