Jessie by Greg / Greg

For Jessie, my beautiful Girl

Jessie, you started life as an orphan, because your mother died shortly after giving birth to you and your brothers and sisters. When we picked you up, you were skinny and in need of some TLC. Your father was a very happy chap and greeted us warmly from his little pen.

Harry, our vet inspected you and told you would soon be OK because you were in safe hands,
and that indeed was the case.

You taunted, loved and played with Samson, but you will remember at first he was quite averse to you snuggling up to him but in the end you two were very close and played together, went to doggy school
together and snored together.

Over the last 12 months, your agility began to decline and it showed in your gait; you used to be able to run like the wind, faster than Samson, much to his chagrin!

The last week was particularly difficult for you; but you continued to live and love, and give us kisses and run to the door when we came home. The last day, you were quite lethargic and we all knew your time to join Samson was upon you.

Jessie, how sad I am to be writing this, but I get a lot of comfort from the knowledge you were loved, you loved in return, always, and that you are now at peace and playing with Samson, once again.

Rex is missing you a lot, but we are giving him lots of cuddles and comfort.

Love you always Jessie, you are now in your own cremation box next to Samson on the bookcase, you two are reunited.

Jessie, we love you, and will never forget what a wonderful and loving girl you were.


I Love You Jessie, My Special Girl.
25, Oct 2008