Joe and Gracie by Malissa, DJ and Savannah / We love you Joe and Gracie,
I know you will b

We have only had our Joe and Gracie for a couple of months, still they brought so much joy into our lives. They were such tiny little dogs. Joe started getting sick last week and the vet sent home IV’s and antibiotics to help. The vet kept telling me that there was a chance he would make it and to keep trying. Joe tried so hard….Gracie then got sick on Wednesday and I knew that she had the same thing plus she was missing her brother.

I got the antibiotics for her and started her on the medications. Joe hadn’t eaten in four days and I knew it was a losing battle. Same with Gracie. I sat with them last night and talked to them. Holding each of them and telling them how much they mean to me and how I love them so. I have become so attached to these little bundles. I remember how they loved to jump and play and tried so hard to play with the “mean” kitties. They gave so much unconditional love.

Before I went to bed I leaned down to Joe and told him that I love him and it was time for him to go. I told him that I would not let Gracie suffer the way he has these past few days with needles and medicine and would let her meet with him soon in heaven. I then gave him a kiss and went to bed. Joe died peacefully this morning in his sleep. I took Gracie to the vet and she then informed me that I could keep Gracie on the fluids and see if things might be different with her. I chose the unselfish route after seeing what Joe had been through and decided that putting her down would be best.

After I said goodbye and told her Joe was waiting for her they took her in the other room and I made the biggest mistake by not going with her, she was so scared. She was yelping so loudly I had to leave the room. After a few minutes they brought her back to me wrapped in her blanket in a cardboard box. I brought her tiny, lifeless body in and laid her next to her brother’s little body and we buried them together.

I can’t explain the pain that goes through you when you lose little people in fur coats that we love so dear. Now they are no longer suffering and can still play, eat and sleep together.


I am so sorry that they are gone.
They will never, never be forgotten.
They made our days
Joe and Gracie
Malissa, DJ and Savannah