JoJo by Lisa Shifflett / Love,


My precious JoJo…Oh how I miss you so much! I’ll never forget how you would wake me up every day at 6 AM…you would pat me in the face with a gentle touch of your paw, and you wouldn’t quit until I got up. I never had to set the alarm clock for I knew I could always depend on you. I’m so sorry I failed as a mother, I didn’t protect you. How can I ever forgive myself? I look at you every day, for I wear your picture around my neck, on a necklace, and every day, I tell you how much I love and miss you. Cocoa misses you too. Even though our time together on this earth was short, we’ll always be together…in our hearts.


Run, my baby, for you are free at last to roam, and you will never be hurt again.
20, Jan 2004
Lisa Shifflett