Journey by Gramma / Gramma

Journey’s life

She was my daughter and son-in-laws dog. I called her my granddaughter. My daughter always said go see granma when ever I came to the house. My Son-in-Law is a postal worker and he found her on his route one day. Nobody knew where she came from or who she belonged to. So after a few days he took her home. She was scared when he first brought her home but she soon grew to love them.

My daughter and I have a gift shop attached to her house and when I was working she kept me company. It is so sad to not see her running down the steps to meet me when I go to work now. My kids are having a very hard time dealing with the loss. I know she was given to them for a very important reason.

Journey we all miss you very much and you are very much missed and LOVED. I know you are up in Dog Haven running and playing ball. Journey have a happy ever after life. LOVE You girl.

