Juno by Dana / Mama

My sweet angel Juno. We loved you so much. I thought we’d spend years and years together. I wish you didn’t have to leave so soon. I will always miss you and always always love you. You were the sweetest little pup ever. I think about you every day, and I know one day we’ll be together again. I miss your smell. You always smelled like cookies. I will always remember your little face and those big eyes looking at me. I miss you sitting with me on the couch. If I had known you were going to go so soon, I would have never left your side. I’m so sorry we couldn’t be together longer. I don’t know if I’ve ever felt pain like this before. I miss you so much and my heart hurts. I will meet you in heaven my angel. I will think of you every day because you were my best friend and I love you so much. Mama and Daddy miss you angel. I can’t wait until I can hug you again.


I love you forever,