Katie by Nina and David Ficcadenti / Mommy, Daddy and your sister Annie

Dear Katie,

Mommy, Daddy and Annie miss you so much. We pray for your eternal life in Heaven and know we will see you again someday. We will always remember how much you loved your life with us and all the funny things about you. You had a beautiful sweet face, very soft fur, big white whiskers, big fluffy tail, and a pretty pink nose.

You loved playing with your many toys; mousey and duckie wuckie were some of your favorites. You were such a special kitty with so much love to give. You loved us unconditionally. You loved to snuggle with mommy and suck on mommy’s pajama sleeve just like a baby cat everyday. You were the BABY and you knew it, and loved playing BABY! Mommy and you loved to watch cartoons on TV. You loved to hear the story that mommy told you about how Katiebug came from Heaven in a bubble, and when the bubble burst, the Katiebug burst out!

We will never forget how you and your sister Annie loved to play and have family time with us every night. You loved your treatzies and sitting on the patio watching and talking back to the birdzies. You loved to sit on the window seat and sun yourself.

We will always remember your sweet smell and love for us. Mommy, Daddy and Annie will always have a special place in our hearts for you. We will NEVER FORGET you!


We love you forever Katiebug!
Nina and David Ficcadenti