Kelly by Chris Jobin / Daddy

She was no show dog to be sure, smaller and rounder than most Goldens, but you won’t find one more special. She was run over by her previous owner and brought in to be euthanized. The emergency doctor operated and Kelly was spared. Kelly came to live with us and our other Golden, Sammy (who’s still with us at 11 years old).

Complications set in but with nearly a month in the hopital and thousands of dollars she was back with us. That was nearly a decade ago. Kelly got sick last week, an immune system illness. She spent a week in the hospital being treated, showing some improvement. Kelly was put to sleep Friday, her liver was failing her and she was shutting down. We got to kiss her and say goodbye. I don’t have words to describe the sadness. Such a
wonderful little soul did not deserve this fate!


We love you, Kellybelly,
Chris Jobin