Klondyke by Marion and Len Musk / Julie Musk


We will miss you so much. I’m so glad you got to have a family who loved you so dearly before you left and a mommy and a daddy and a sister. I’m so happy you saw what it was like to be loved and spoiled for the last few weeks of your life. I’m sorry you had to be so sad and deprived for 10 years of your life. You got to see what it was like to walk, explore and eat well, but most of all you got to ride up front with Daddy.

I wish I could have seen you and I’m so glad you didn’t have to die alone. We love and will always be in our hearts. I will never forget your little face in that picture.

God Bless You and Sweet Dreams. Say hi to Sasha Misty and Smiley. We miss all of you especially Mommy and Daddy.

We will love you always and you will always be in our hearts.


Love, Auntie Julie
Marion and Len Musk