KOBE by Rhonda and Arthur / Rhonda, Arthur, and Meika

I knew Kobe was a special dog when we rescued her from the Humane Society and I found out we shared the same birth day, July 5th. Kobe had been abused as a small puppy and we adopted her when she was just a few months old. We were so proud to be her new parents. Kobe was a great dog just a little timid and scared, but she loved to be petted and hugged. She had these great big eyes and floppy ears that you just could not resist. At about 2 years old Kobe developed epilepsy and had frequent seizures.

We tried everything we could to control the seizures but it was hard. On her last days Kobe became very ill and was severely dehydrated. It was a decision that I hated, but we knew what had to be done. We took Kobe to the vet and said goodbye. I will never forget the feeling of letting her go. I feel that the world is missing a special being but I Know that I will see her again someday.
I love you Kobe! I know you are better off wherever you are. Please watch over us. I love you.


Missed Everyday,
Rhonda and Arthur